Sylphase SDGPS
The software-defined GPS(/GNSS) toolkit

Type signature: (->solution)



simulate-sv-trajectory [OPTION]... GNSS SVID [MODE (=actual)]

Allowed options:

Option Description
--help produce help message
--gnss GNSS GNSS name (e.g. GPS_L1)
--svid SVID SVID (e.g. 5)
--mode MODE (=actual) select trajectory to generate; valid options:
* actual: actual trajectory of simulated SV
* Note: nominally equal to "broadcast_ephemeris" unless simulation of ephemeris error is enabled.
* broadcast_ephemeris: trajectory according to broadcast ephemeris
* broadcast_almanac: trajectory according to broadcast almanac
--sample-rate SAMPLE_RATE (=100) sample rate
--rate RATE (=1) generate at RATE times real time (inf works)
--duration DURATION (=inf) stop after DURATION seconds (inf works)
--start-time arg (=1298764800.000000000000000000) GNSS time at start of trajectory
--determine-velocity-via-finite-difference calculate velocity by evaluating finite difference of position (only for testing)
--satellites SATELLITES_FILENAME read satellite definitions from SATELLITES_FILENAME
--bit-inner-corruption-probability arg (=0) corrupt unprotected GNSS NAV bits this often (used for testing decoder robustness)
--bit-outer-corruption-probability arg (=0) corrupt ECC-protected GNSS NAV bits this often (used for testing decoder robustness)
--gps-broadcast-ionospheric-model GPS_IONOSPHERIC_MODEL JSON with Klobuchar ionospheric model parameters to be broadcast on GPS L1 and L2C signal; This will override the ionospheric model provided via SATELLITES_FILENAME; (e.g. the contents of data/sample_ionospheric_model.iono)
--broadcast-utc UTC_PARAMETERS_FILENAME JSON file with UTC parameters to be broadcast on GPS L2C signal (e.g. data/sample_utc_model.utc)
--broadcast-eop EOP_PROVIDER EOP provider used to generate EOP parameters to be broadcast on GPS L2C signal (e.g. dynamic:data/sample_eop_model.eop)
--broadcast-ggto GGTO_PARAMETERS_FILENAME JSON file with GGTO parameters to be broadcast on GAL_E1B and GAL_E5b signal (e.g. data/sample_ggto_model.ggto)
--broadcast-gps-l1-ura GPS_L1_URA URA value to be broadcast on GPS_L1 signal; default value is 2 meters (e.g. to simulate an invalid URA use '{"error":"invalid"}')
--broadcast-gps-l2c-ura GPS_L2C_URA URA value to be broadcast on GPS_L2C signal; default value is 2 meters (e.g. to simulate 2 meters use '{"result":2}')
--broadcast-galileo-sisa GALILEO_SISA SISA value to be broadcast on GAL_E1B and GAL_E5b signal; default value is 2 meters (uses same format as GPS_L1_URA and GPS_L2C_URA)
--broadcast-glonass-ura GLONASS_URA URA value to be broadcast on GLO_L1 and GLO_L2 signal; default value is 2 meters (uses same format as GPS_L1_URA and GPS_L2C_URA)
--sv-ephemeris-error arg (=0) 1D rms ephemeris error to simulate; each of the 3 spatial axes will have an independent 0-mean random offset with this standard deviation applied (units: meters)
--sv-clock-error arg (=0) rms clock error to simulate; SV clock will have a 0-mean random offset with this standard deviation applied (units: meters)
Note: SISRE (rms) = sqrt((--sv-ephemeris-error value)^2 + (--sv-clock-error value)^2)
--sv-error-relaxation-time RELAXATION_TIME (=3600) autocorrelation decay time constant of SV ephemeris/clock error random walk (units: seconds)
--sv-error-seed SEED (=default) seed for SV ephemeris/clock error random number generator; can be any string
--ztd-variation arg (=0) rms relative zenith tropospheric delay wander to simulate; nominal tropospheric delay will be scaled by a random walk with mean 1 and this standard deviation (unitless)
--ztd-relaxation-time RELAXATION_TIME (=3600) autocorrelation decay time constant of ZTD wander (units: seconds)