Sylphase SDGPS
The software-defined GPS(/GNSS) toolkit

For each of the interfaces there is a node to read packets from a file. As one would expect, the read-INTERFACE-file nodes are sources of that particular interface.

These nodes have the same arguments. The filename can be supplied as a positional argument, so the --filename is not necessary.


Type signature: (->cooked)



read-cooked-file [OPTION]... FILENAME

Allowed options:

Option Description
--help produce help message
--buffer-size BUFFER_SIZE_MB (=128) buffer BUFFER_SIZE_MB of data in RAM for smoothing out disk IO latency
--start START skip packets until one with a timestamp of >= START is found
--stop STOP stop when packet with a timestamp of >= STOP is found
--relative START and STOP are relative to the timestamp of the first packet, rather than absolute
--rate RATE (=1) play at RATE times real time (inf works)
--filename FILENAME play file named FILENAME
--follow keep reading appended data as the file grows


sdgps read-cooked-file --filename foo.cooked --rate inf ! tracker ! decoder

This will read a cooked file as fast as possible and process the stream into an observables stream.


Type signature: (->cooked2)



read-cooked2-file [OPTION]... FILENAME

Allowed options:

Option Description
--help produce help message
--buffer-size BUFFER_SIZE_MB (=128) buffer BUFFER_SIZE_MB of data in RAM for smoothing out disk IO latency
--start START skip packets until one with a timestamp of >= START is found
--stop STOP stop when packet with a timestamp of >= STOP is found
--relative START and STOP are relative to the timestamp of the first packet, rather than absolute
--rate RATE (=1) play at RATE times real time (inf works)
--filename FILENAME play file named FILENAME
--follow keep reading appended data as the file grows


sdgps read-cooked2-file foo.cooked2 --rate inf ! decoder

This will read a cooked file as fast as possible and process the stream into a cooked2 stream.


Type signature: (->observables)



read-observables-file [OPTION]... FILENAME

Allowed options:

Option Description
--help produce help message
--buffer-size BUFFER_SIZE_MB (=128) buffer BUFFER_SIZE_MB of data in RAM for smoothing out disk IO latency
--start START skip packets until one with a timestamp of >= START is found
--stop STOP stop when packet with a timestamp of >= STOP is found
--relative START and STOP are relative to the timestamp of the first packet, rather than absolute
--rate RATE (=1) play at RATE times real time (inf works)
--filename FILENAME play file named FILENAME
--follow keep reading appended data as the file grows


sdgps read-observables-file foo.obs --rate inf --stop 10 ! kf2

This will read a cooked file as fast as possible until reaching 10 seconds into the file and process the stream into a solution stream.


Type signature: (->raw)



read-raw-file [OPTION]... FILENAME

Allowed options:

Option Description
--help produce help message
--buffer-size BUFFER_SIZE_MB (=128) buffer BUFFER_SIZE_MB of data in RAM for smoothing out disk IO latency
--start START skip packets until one with a timestamp of >= START is found
--stop STOP stop when packet with a timestamp of >= STOP is found
--relative START and STOP are relative to the timestamp of the first packet, rather than absolute
--rate RATE (=1) play at RATE times real time (inf works)
--filename FILENAME play file named FILENAME
--follow keep reading appended data as the file grows


sdgps read-raw-file foo.obs --start 5 --rate inf ! sw-correlator ! tracker

This will read a cooked file as fast as possible, starting 5 seconds into the file and process the stream into a cooked2 stream.


Type signature: (->solution)



read-solution-file [OPTION]... FILENAME

Allowed options:

Option Description
--help produce help message
--buffer-size BUFFER_SIZE_MB (=128) buffer BUFFER_SIZE_MB of data in RAM for smoothing out disk IO latency
--start START skip packets until one with a timestamp of >= START is found
--stop STOP stop when packet with a timestamp of >= STOP is found
--relative START and STOP are relative to the timestamp of the first packet, rather than absolute
--rate RATE (=1) play at RATE times real time (inf works)
--filename FILENAME play file named FILENAME
--follow keep reading appended data as the file grows


sdgps read-solution-file foo.sol --rate 2

This will read a solution file at up to 2 times faster than real time.