Sylphase SDGPS
The software-defined GPS(/GNSS) toolkit

Type signature: (*->*)



print-time-at-event [OPTION]...

Allowed options:

Option Description
--help produce help message
--time-stream-name arg name of Time stream to use as reference; will also match a unique prefix of a name (default: use stream time rather than a Time stream)
--event-stream-name arg name of Event stream that triggers prints; will also match a unique prefix of a name (default: all)
--stop-after-print-count arg stop pipeline after this many prints have been made (default: never stop)
--write-log FILENAME write log to FILENAME as CSV
--append-log FILENAME append log to FILENAME as CSV
--log-units arg (=ns) units for time offset in CSV output generated by --write-log/--append-log (choices: s, ns)
--min-sample-period arg (=0) minimum width between plot points in seconds; plot points closer than this will be averaged
--x-axis-unit arg (=sec) unit of X axis (options: sec, min, hour, day)
--x-axis-absolute plot absolute stream time on X axis instead of relative to now (implied by --wait)
--detrend remove overall linear trend (due to common clock frequency offset) from time plot
--wait wait for pipeline to terminate, then plot (default: live plotting)
--live-history arg (=60) duration of live history buffer in seconds
--allan-deviation plot the Allan deviation
--adev-rms-reference arg also plot the Allan deviation of a white noise source with this RMS power
--adev-mask arg also plot a preset Allan deviation from a csv file
--title-suffix arg append string to plot titles
--plot-detrend-individually detrend lines individually (to remove differing frequency offsets)
--plot-event-period EVENT_PERIOD (=1) subtract this increment from every subsequent event time (units: the time stream's seconds)
--plot-fix-dropped-events display dropped events as just a break in the line rather than a step with height equal to the event period
--plot-time-offset arg (=0) subtract this from every event's time (units: the time stream's seconds)
--plot-modulo only plot time modulo EVENT_PERIOD; ignore multiples of EVENT_PERIOD
--no-print do everything else (plotting, logging), but don't actually print to console
--output-statlog STATLOG_KEY output offset (in ns) to this StatLog key
--disable-plot disable plotting