Sylphase SDGPS
The software-defined GPS(/GNSS) toolkit

Type signature: (solution->[solution])

Example output of plot-solution node (generated with sdgps generate-simple-trajectory --circle '{"radius": 1, "axis_enu": [0, 0, 1], "period": 1}' --duration 10 --rate inf ! plot-solution --wait )



plot-solution [OPTION]...

Allowed options:

Option Description
--help produce help message
--frame arg (=automatic) valid options:
* UVW: U (radial), V (in-track), W (cross-track), relative to reference trajectory
* ENU: East-North-Up, relative to reference trajectory
* ECEF: Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed, relative to center of Earth
* ECI: Earth-Centered Inertial
* LLH: Longitude, latitude, height over reference ellipsoid
* RelECEF: ECEF coordinates relative to reference trajectory
* RelECI: ECI coordinates relative to reference trajectory
* automatic: use "UVW" if first position is above 40 km altitude, else "enu"
--reference-mode arg valid options:
* fixed: use initial position as fixed reference for all time (ECEF velocity = zero)
* freefall: extrapolate inital position and velocity assuming free fall dynamics (note: divergence at ~1e-4 m/s^2 is expected, as gravity model is not perfect, drag is ignored, etc.)
* constant_vel: extrapolate initial position and velocity assuming constant ECEF velocity
* automatic: use "freefall" if first position is above 40 km altitude, else "fixed"
default: "automatic", if no other --reference-* options are provided
--reference-average-time arg (=10) when --reference-mode is used, average this many seconds of solutions to determine initial position/velocity
--reference-position-ecef arg reference ECEF position as a 3-length JSON array
--reference-pipeline arg run this SDGPS pipeline to get reference trajectory (e.g. "read-solution-file x.sol --rate inf")
--gnss-time0 arg GNSS time that corresponds to stream time 0 to set Y-offset of GNSS time plot (default: automatically compute based on first valid solution packet)
--gnss-time0-from-reference-pipeline get --gnss-time0 from reference pipeline
--gnss-time0-from-reference-pipeline-offset arg offset --gnss-time0 from reference pipeline by this many seconds; implies --gnss-time0-from-reference-pipeline
--min-sample-period arg (=0) minimum width between plot points in seconds; plot points closer than this will be averaged
--x-axis-unit arg (=sec) unit of X axis (options: sec, min, hour, day)
--x-axis-absolute plot absolute stream time on X axis instead of relative to now (implied by --wait)
--detrend remove linear trend (due to clock frequency offset) from time offset plot
--wait wait for pipeline to terminate, then plot (default: live plotting)
--live-history arg (=60) duration of live history buffer in seconds
--allan-deviation plot the Allan deviation of Position, Velocity, and GNSS Time
--adev-rms-reference arg also plot the Allan deviation of a white noise source with this RMS power
--adev-mask arg also plot a preset Allan deviation from a csv file
--title-suffix arg append string to plot titles
--detrend-individually detrend time stream lines individually (to remove differing frequency offsets)
--stats-after arg only start computing statistics for plot annotations after this stream time (units: seconds)
--plot-position-finite-difference plot velocity calculated by evaluating finite difference of position (only for testing)