Sylphase SDGPS
The software-defined GPS(/GNSS) toolkit

For each of the five interfaces there is a listen-INTERFACE-tcp node that creates a TCP server to send out a packet stream, and there is a connect-INTERFACE-tcp node that connects to a TCP server and receives the packets.

The listen-INTERFACE-tcp nodes are sinks of that particular interface.

Like the write-INTERFACE-file, these nodes are not necessarily dead ends; they will also pass through the packets if there is another node following it. And again, the listen-cooked-tcp needs to have a node following it, since the cooked interface has desired correlation configuration packets being sent backwards to the cooked source.

The port can be supplied as a positional argument, so the --port is not necessary.



listen-cooked-tcp [OPTION]... PORT

Allowed options:

Option Description
--help produce help message
--port PORT listen on TCP port number PORT
--no-metadata don't include metadata (e.g. sdgps version, command line) in output
--write-port FILENAME write TCP port being used to FILENAME (useful with PORT = 0, which chooses any available port)
--buffer-size BUFFER_SIZE (=128) buffer BUFFER_SIZE MB of data for smoothing out network jitter/congestion
--never-drop-data block instead of dropping data if no clients are connected or a client is reading too slowly
--one-client only accept one client; end pipeline if client disconnects


Type signature: (cooked->[cooked])


sdgps sylphase-usbgpsimu2 ! listen-cooked-tcp --port 1234 ! tracker ! decoder

In this node we create a TCP server that sends cooked packets over port 1234. As stated in the cooked section, cooked sources (listen-cooked-tcp) require cooked sinks (tracker)


Type signature: (cooked2->[cooked2])


sdgps sylphase-usbgpsimu2 ! tracker ! listen-cooked2-tcp --port 1234

In this node we create a TCP server that sends cooked2 packets over port 1234.


Type signature: (observables->[observables])


sdgps sylphase-usbgpsimu2 ! tracker ! decoder ! listen-observables-tcp 1234

In this node we create a TCP server that sends observables packets over port 1234.


Type signature: (raw->[raw])


sdgps sylphase-usbgpsimu2-raw ! listen-raw-tcp 1234

In this node we create a TCP server that sends raw packets over port 1234.


Type signature: (solution->[solution])


sdgps sylphase-usbgpsimu2 ! tracker ! decoder ! simple-pvt-solver ! listen-solution-tcp 1234

In this node we create a TCP server that sends solution packets over port 1234.