Sylphase SDGPS
The software-defined GPS(/GNSS) toolkit

Type signature: (->solution)

The generate-simple-trajectory node is used to simulate an Infix-1 moving with a constant velocity and angular velocity. It is a source for the solution interface and typically used in conjunction with the simulate-INTERFACE nodes, but can also be used like a normal solution stream.



generate-simple-trajectory [OPTION]...

Allowed options:

Option Description
--help produce help message
--sample-rate SAMPLE_RATE (=100) sample rate
--rate RATE (=1) generate at RATE times real time (inf works)
--duration DURATION (=inf) stop after DURATION seconds (inf works)
--position-ecef arg (=[740883,-5497747,3136908]) initial platform position as a 3-length JSON array
--velocity-ecef arg (=[0,0,0]) platform velocity as a 3-length JSON array
--acceleration-ecef arg (=[0,0,0]) platform acceleration as a 3-length JSON array (units: m/s^2)
--orientation-enu arg (={"w":1,"x":0,"y":0,"z":0}) initial platform orientation as a JSON object
--angular-velocity-enu arg (=[0,0,0]) platform angular velocity as a 3-length JSON array
--start-time arg (=1298764809.869604401089357952) GNSS time at start of trajectory
--circle arg (={"radius":0,"axis_enu":[0,0,1],"period":1}) circle around the point that would otherwise be output
--bob arg add superimposed bobbing motion of axis_body * sin(2*pi*t/period) (example: '{"axis_body":[0,1,0],"period":5}')


sdgps generate-simple-trajectory --duration 120 --rate inf ! listen-solution-tcp --port 1234

If you read the tutorial, then you already know how this node works, but for completeness let's look at it again. Here we generate a solution stream that lasts 120 seconds as fast as our computer allows, then we send the packets over a TCP server on port 1234. If you don't want the stream to end too soon, you can increase the duration, reduce the rate the solution is being generated, or remove the duration altogether to let it run indefinitely (until cancelled).